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A Practical Replacement for Guar Gum and Oil

Milled Flaxseed as a Functional Ingredient in Tortillas, Bread, and Muffins

Flaxseed has properties that make it suitable for consideration as a functional ingredient in various baked goods. Specifically, flaxseed demonstrates some of the same capabilities as oil and gums in food products. Three studies were conducted to test how BlendPūr™ flaxseed performs as an oil and guar gum replacement in tortillas, white bread, and muffins. A summary of the experiments and findings was published in a white paper entitled BlendPūr™ Flax in Bread, Tortillas and Muffins.

The first study evaluated BlendPūr™ as a complete replacement for hydrocolloids in tortillas. Guar gum, a common hydrocolloid, was used in the control. Guar gum is expensive, and its availability fluctuates. Furthermore, consumers may not view guar gum as a “clean label” ingredient. The results showed high potential for BlendPūr™ as a guar gum replacement in tortillas.

The second study looked at BlendPūr™ as a replacement for shortening or oil in white pan bread. The experiment showed that BlendPūr™ can replace substantial amount of fat in bread while retaining softness compared to the control.

The final study examined BlendPūr™ as a partial replacement for oil in muffins. Muffins with reduced oil and BlendPūr™ demonstrated promising results when compared to the control in terms of softness, springiness, volume.

Incorporating milled flaxseed as a full or partial replacement for guar gum, oil, or shortening in your product could help you reduce costs and make your label more appealing.

If you would like to learn more about the methods and results of these experiments, click on the link below for the option of downloading our white papers.

Incorporating milled flaxseed as a full or partial replacement for guar gum, oil, or shortening could help you reduce costs and make your label more appealing.

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